<![CDATA[WISDOM BELL MEDIA - Astrobell]]>Mon, 13 May 2024 08:20:39 +0200Weebly<![CDATA[Case Study #1]]>Fri, 14 Apr 2023 04:43:04 GMThttp://wisdombellmedia.com/astrobell/case-study-1Male, born August 1959. Reading conducted January 2023.
Leonardo wanted to know more about his horoscope in general, including information about his personality, his love life and his career choices. A man in his early sixties, he has accumulated a great deal of life wisdom and experience, and during the reading it became clear that he has assimilated many of the positive potentials his chart presents him with.
A Stellium in the 12th House Conjunct the AC.At first glance, the stellium of 4 planets in Leo jumps out (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Uranus). This man is very Leonine. Using the Placidus house system, these planets are in the 12th house, but with the whole sign system they would all be 1st house planets. All 4 planets are within conjunction distance to the AC, so I believe that he would present as a 1st house person –  someone assertive, self-expressive and extroverted. And this turned out to be true by his own admission. He may have been more shy or introverted as a young child, but I think the 1st house Leonine qualities would already develop by school age and become wholly apparent by early adolescence. His progressed Sun would conjunct the natal AC by age 7, and by solar arc all the Placidus 12th house planets will have entered the 1st house by age 12.
A Dominance of Fire and Earth, a Lack of Air.Looking at the balance of elements and modalities, he has a dominance of fire (4 planets + AC & MC) and earth (4 planets), some water (2 planets), and no planets in air (only Chiron and North Node). Being an impassioned enthusiast as well as a practical, down-to-earth person would come easy to him. His two water planets are Jupiter and Neptune, which are not personal planets, so water qualities of being emotional, sensitive and in touch with his own and others’ feelings require more work. When his Sun progresses into Scorpio in his old age (in year 2040), he may find these qualities come more naturally to him. Air signs denote rationality and mental preoccupation, and although his practical earth qualities can be mistaken for rationality, being emotionally detached and at home in a world of concepts and ideas, divorced from his passion or heart, would not appeal to him – although his North Node in Libra probably compels him to develop air qualities as the years pass. He does have Mercury conjunct Sun, so he would identify with being a mental person, but in a way that is imbued with heart, passion and enthusiasm, rather than the detached quality pure air denotes. 
Currently (in 2023) he has many progressed personal planets in Libra, the sign of his North Node, so he may feel that he is really coming into his own, fulfilling his highest potentials. He is focusing on different aspects of relationship and relating, as well as equality and balance between the self and others. Leonardo admitted he is becoming better at learning the art of waiting for people to invite his opinion and advice, especially in his close personal relationships, rather than offering these up indiscriminately, which turns people off. He is also better at taking a back-seat, and allowing himself to be part of the group rather than having the need to rise up and take the lead.
Chart Ruler is the Sun, DC Ruler is Uranus.The Sun is his chart ruler, part of the stellium of Moon, Mercury and Uranus conjunct his AC, only strengthening his self-expressive and expansive qualities. Uranus rules his DC in Aquarius, and is exactly conjunct AC with less than a 1 degree orb. Whilst having a rebellious streak and lots of charisma, and wanting to walk his own unique path rather than conform, he would also have a natural ability to mirror other people. He wants to engage with other people, to help and advise, to consult and inspire. Through interpersonal engagement he is able to be a leader, helping others develop their potentials. Uranus and Aquarius are not personal, but rather collective and humanistic, with a focus on mankind as a whole. He would want to do this interpersonal engagement on a more impersonal level, most likely through his professional work and friendship circles. This fits with his current occupation as a couples therapist.
A Stellium of Moon, Mercury, Sun and Uranus in Leo.Looking more closely at his stellium (Moon, Mercury, Sun and Uranus) conjunct AC, he has a very active mind, lightning fast with many, perhaps even sudden, insights. An avid thinker, he most likely relies a lot on intuition. He is able to assimilate information quickly and appears to just know things. Leonardo knows in his heart what is true and right, and can explain his beliefs and opinions logically and with great conviction. He loves to talk and connect with people. He is curious and inquisitive, with a voracious appetite for all kinds of knowledge, although I doubt he is an academic – that is probably a bit too dry for him. Leonardo may come across subjective in his communication, perhaps stubborn and a know-it-all, due to absolute faith in his own conclusions. His wants and his needs are in alignment, what drives him and how he sees himself match – he knows what he wants and who he is, and can pursue his goals single-mindedly. There is little doubt and hesitation in this man, but rather a clarity of purpose and a strong sense of identity.
Although Leonardo is a structured, logical and rational person, he can be fast at jumping to conclusions. With Mercury in Leo conjunct the Moon, he likes to think big and idealistically. With Uranus mixed in, he would be lightning quick in his thinking and able to make snap judgements, often appearing rather inspired in his insights. He probably hits the nail right on its head or he is miles off. More often the former, I suspect, as this man likely learns quickly from his mistakes. It would be important for him to come across competent and evolved, with Sun in the mix. He can think outside the box, and go against the stream. He doesn’t mind being different, and in fact is probably rather fearless about being unapologetically himself and speaking his mind. Although being different to Leonardo does not mean being relegated to the fringe as some misunderstood loser to be pitied or vilified, but rather being different means to rise above the norm to emerge smarter, more capable and more brave than the average person.
Mars and Venus in the 2nd House.Moving away from his stellium, he has a conjunction of Mars and Venus in 2nd house Virgo. Additionally, Mars is his MC ruler, and Venus his IC ruler. This man lives and breathes his work and identifies strongly with it. He feels at home at work, and he needs to apply himself authentically in his work. He is ambitious and very capable at generating resource. His finances are probably good. This man can figure out how to make money, and he values his possessions. He needs tangible markers of success and achievement, through the accumulation of resources, valuables and recognition. He has a structured, organised approach to how he pursues his goals, breaking a plan of action down into smaller, constituent parts and measurable increments. Pluto is also conjunct the 2nd house Placidus cusp, and by whole sign in the 2nd house which adds to his money-making abilities, able to regenerate and reinvent his approach to resource management and accumulation as the need arises. As a therapist he has a methodical, logical and analytical approach – he desires to create order out of chaos, create systems and organise thoughts, desires and actions into digestible parts. Virgo also rules health and the 2nd house describes where we might earn money, and as a therapist he is a practitioner of mental health.
Love, Romance and Relationships.In terms of his love life, Leonardo married late, and later divorced. Children also came late by his own admission. Leonardo is in his early 60s and he has a young teenage daughter. He has recently entered into a new relationship. 
He has his Saturn in 5th house Capricorn, and a 7th house Chiron in Aquarius. The 5th house describes our romances and dating life as well as children, and the 7th house describes our marriages and partnerships. Saturn is a planet that delays and throws restrictions in our path but also rewards us with hard-earned competence and excellence, and Chiron describes where we have a deep wound, but also where we can help heal others, and by helping them, we help ourselves. The upside of a 7th house Chiron in Aquarius, is that he can help others with their partnerships as a relationship therapist.
Leonardo probably had a very serious approach to love and dating, being rather selective with very high standards – compounded by Mars and Venus in picky Virgo. Serious relationships would have felt dangerous and difficult. This man has a fear of being hurt in love, and either consciously or unconsciously would have avoided what he considered the messiness of love. 
The rulers of his 5th and 7th house (Jupiter and Uranus) are in square, and both planets additionally only have hard aspects (squares for Jupiter, and squares and conjunctions for Uranus). He had a lot of inner, and possibly outer, barriers to overcome, before he was ready to commit. He probably had to learn to lower his perfectionistic expectations, and accept and embrace his inherent fears in order for them to not hold him back. 
With his DC in Aquarius he is drawn to partners that are more objective and detached than him. As opposed to him, they are above all the drama and need not be the centre of attention. They navigate group dynamics well, and he would admire their humanist traits and high ideals. They would not be particularly emotional or needy, nor would they draw attention to themselves. I suspect that many conflicts in his partnerships are about him overstepping the mark, and his partners asking for more space and freedom to be themselves. With his asteroid Juno in 3rd house Libra (like his North Node), marriage would also make him a fairer communicator, teaching him the importance of balance, give and take, and equality. He needs a partner that is graceful, harmonious and objective. A benevolent ice queen to his ardent and grandiose white knight.
Home Environment, Childhood and Inner Life.Descriptions of his home life and/or inner life are found with Neptune and Jupiter in 4th house Scorpio. Where his professional life is rational and practical, his home and inner life is marked by a lot more confusion and chaos. Scorpio demands that we go deep and see the ugly truths; it demands that we relate and share – we cannot or are not permitted to stay safe on the surface or go it alone. Leonardo would have learned to surrender control, and go more with the flow. He may have engaged in power plays as well as passive-aggressive tendencies earlier in his life and in his family dynamics. Perhaps he even had a parent that abused some kind of substance, such as alcohol or drugs. He may have felt neglected. Perhaps disillusioned and disappointed. He may have looked up to a parent, only to realise that the admiration he felt were an illusion. Although Jupiter is considered a beneficent and lucky planet, its downside is that it may just expand and exaggerate the qualities of other planets it touches, and hence with Neptune the result may just have been more disillusion and disappointment, more neglect and more abuse. IC is in late Libra, so on the surface there may have been an appearance of harmony and balance in his home life, a focus on superficial unity that hides a deeper reality of conflict, power struggle and manipulation. Leonardo admitted that he had an alcoholic parent.
MC in Aries, 6th House in Capricorn.MC in Aries gives Leonardo a competitive streak. He wants to be the best, the most competent. He is ambitious and wants to succeed, to earn respect and status and do well in his career. There is an interception of Taurus in the 10th house, and I suspect that Leonardo cannot abide a stressful atmosphere in his work, although Aries usually thrives on adrenaline. Taurus want peace, quiet, harmony, pleasure and enjoyment. Taurus want to smell the flowers and enjoy the finer things in life, must like Ferdinand the Bull. Leonardo may direct this energy into his choice of profession as well, and as a relationship therapist his work is all about finding harmony and peace for couples struggling in their relationship.
The ruler of his 6th house in Capricorn is Saturn in 5th house Sagittarius. The fifth house rules romance and love – another impetus to work as a couples therapist in his day-to-day life. The fifth house also desires fun and variety, self-expression and adventure – and Sagittarius compounds the desire for adventure, even if the 6th house is in Capricorn which likes routine and stability. Earlier in his life, Leonardo was a sailor, traversing the seven seas and seeing the world. With his current occupation, Leonardo finds more stability and routine, while still having enough variety by working with different couples. Work feels meaningful to him and he is passionate about it. His approach is serious and hard-working, with a strong desire to excel and be the best at what he does. 
The MC ruler, Mars, is in the 2nd house conjunct Venus, which in turn rules the 3rd/4th house depending on house system. So he earns money (2nd house) by focusing on family life as well as the inner life (4th house), through 3rd house communication and consulting (therapy), and with aspects to the MC from Pluto (psychology), Venus (harmony), Moon (feelings), Saturn (diligence, hard work and patience) and Neptune (connectedness and hidden truths), his choice of career as a couples therapist seems fitting and well suited to his character.
Aspect Patterns.Looking at his aspect patterns, Leonardo has a mini trine with Neptune in 4th house Scorpio making sextiles to Pluto-Mars in 2nd house Virgo and Saturn in 5th/6th house Capricorn, and a trine between Pluto-Mars and Saturn. This endows him with tremendous drive, strength, persistence, charisma and staying power, in areas that affect work and career (2nd and 6th house) through his self-insight and how he shows up in the world (Neptune and 4th and 5th house).
Jupiter and Neptune in the 4th squares his stellium conjunct the AC. Something in his childhood and inner life has shaped him through conflict and difficulty to emerge as a resourceful and strong character. He probably appears more confident and together than he actually feels deep down, although he is unlikely to let his doubts and insecurities get the better of him, and life experience most likely have also taught him that these doubts and insecurities do not represent reality any longer. They were a part of his early life experience, but he has evolved and grown.
North Node in Libra.North Node in Libra in the 3rd house begs him to become more collaborative, compromising, fair and balanced, and less wilful, self-contained and superior, especially in his communication and opinions. It asks him to look at the facts, to be precise and objective and less swayed by his beliefs and convictions.
Zodiacal Releasing and Solar Return.Lastly, 2023 may be a big year for him. In zodiacal releasing (an ancient forecasting technique) he has a loosening of the bond in the 3rd level in February, as well as the Moon on his AC, Jupiter on his DC, and Venus on his MC in his solar return for 2022/2023 which points to relationship and love coming to the forefront. He entered into a new relationship a few months back, and I suspect it will continue to grow and deepen. Previous moments in life where he had a loosening of the bond on the 2nd level (the higher up the level, the more profound), was around December 1976 when he decided to become a sailor and travel the world, and around August 1995 when he changed career focus and embarked on therapy work.
<![CDATA[Book a Reading / Book en konsultation]]>Mon, 03 Oct 2022 21:59:08 GMThttp://wisdombellmedia.com/astrobell/bookingAstrological Reading/
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  • DUO - DKK 1895 (Couples consultation without case study)
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  • SOLO - DKK 950 (Individuel konsultation uden case study)
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  • DUO - DKK 1895 (Par konsultation uden case study)
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